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11 mesi fa
  1. <%
  2. Class TCTest
  3. Public Function TestCaseNames()
  4. TestCaseNames = Array("test", "test2", "test3")
  5. End Function
  6. Public Sub SetUp()
  7. 'Response.Write("SetUp<br>")
  8. End Sub
  9. Public Sub TearDown()
  10. 'Response.Write("TearDown<br>")
  11. End Sub
  12. Public Sub test(oTestResult)
  13. 'Response.Write("test<br>")
  14. 'Err.Raise 5, "hello", "error"
  15. End Sub
  16. Public Sub test2(oTestResult)
  17. 'Response.Write("test2<br>")
  18. oTestResult.Assert False, "Assert False!"
  19. oTestResult.AssertEquals 4, 4, "4 = 4, Should not fail!"
  20. oTestResult.AssertEquals 4, 5, "4 != 5, Should fail!"
  21. oTestResult.AssertNotEquals 5, 5, "AssertNotEquals(5, = 5) should fail!"
  22. oTestResult.AssertExists new TestResult, "new TestResult Should not fail!"
  23. oTestResult.AssertExists Nothing, "Nothing: Should not exist!"
  24. oTestResult.AssertExists 4, "4 Should exist?!"
  25. End Sub
  26. Public Sub test3(oTestResult)
  27. oTestResult.Assert True, "Success"
  28. End Sub
  29. End Class
  30. %>

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