11 месяцев назад
  1. <%
  2. '=======================================================================================================================
  3. ' StringBuilder Class
  4. '=======================================================================================================================
  5. Class StringBuilder_Class
  6. dim m_array
  7. dim m_array_size
  8. dim m_cur_pos
  9. Private Sub Class_Initialize
  10. m_array = Array
  11. m_array_size = 100
  12. redim m_array(m_array_size)
  13. m_cur_pos = -1
  14. End Sub
  15. Private Sub Extend
  16. m_array_size = m_array_size + 100
  17. redim preserve m_array(m_array_size)
  18. End Sub
  19. Public Sub Add(s)
  20. m_cur_pos = m_cur_pos + 1
  21. m_array(m_cur_pos) = s
  22. if m_cur_pos = m_array_size then Extend
  23. End Sub
  24. Public Function [Get](delim)
  25. 'have to create a new array containing only the slots actually used, otherwise Join() happily adds delim
  26. 'for *every* slot even the unused ones...
  27. dim new_array : new_array = Array()
  28. redim new_array(m_cur_pos)
  29. dim i
  30. for i = 0 to m_cur_pos
  31. new_array(i) = m_array(i)
  32. next
  33. [Get] = Join(new_array, delim)
  34. End Function
  35. Public Default Property Get TO_String
  36. TO_String = Join(m_array, "")
  37. End Property
  38. End Class
  39. Function StringBuilder()
  40. set StringBuilder = new StringBuilder_Class
  41. End Function
  42. '=======================================================================================================================
  43. ' Misc
  44. '=======================================================================================================================
  45. Function Excerpt(text, length)
  46. Excerpt = Left(text, length) & " ..."
  47. End Function
  48. Function IsBlank(text)
  49. If IsObject(text) then
  50. If text Is Nothing then
  51. IsBlank = true
  52. Else
  53. IsBlank = false
  54. End If
  55. Else
  56. If IsEmpty(text) or IsNull(text) or Len(text) = 0 then
  57. IsBlank = true
  58. Else
  59. IsBlank = false
  60. End If
  61. End If
  62. End Function
  63. %>

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