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Daniel Covington 5 kuukautta sitten
11 muutettua tiedostoa jossa 657 lisäystä ja 9 poistoa
  1. +129
  2. +240
  3. +1
  4. +32
  5. +46
  6. +63
  7. +61
  8. +81
  9. +1
  10. +2
  11. +1

+ 129
- 0
App/Controllers/CustomOfficeCopyJob/CustomOfficeCopyJobController.asp Näytä tiedosto

@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
<% Option Explicit %>
<!--#include file="../../include_all.asp"-->
<!--#include file="../../ViewModels/CustomOfficeCopyJobViewModels.asp"-->
Class CustomOfficeCopyJobController
Public Model

Public Sub Index

dim page_size : page_size = 10
dim page_num : page_num = Choice(Len(Request.Querystring("page_num")) > 0, Request.Querystring("page_num"), 1)
dim page_count, record_count
set Model = new PagedIndex_ViewModel_Class
Model.Title = "CustomOfficeCopyJob"
set Model.CustomOfficeCopyJob = CustomOfficeCopyJobRepository.FindPaged(empty, "ID", page_size, page_num, page_count, record_count)
Model.CurrentPageNumber = page_num
Model.PageSize = page_size
Model.PageCount = page_count
Model.RecordCount = record_count
%> <!--#include file="../../Views/CustomOfficeCopyJob/Index.asp"--> <%

End Sub
Public Sub Search

dim searchValue:searchValue = Choice(Request.Form.Count = 0,Request.QueryString("q"),Request.Form("q"))
dim page_size : page_size = 10
dim page_num : page_num = Choice(Len(Request.Querystring("page_num")) > 0, Request.Querystring("page_num"), 1)
dim page_count, record_count
set Model = new PagedIndex_ViewModel_Class
Model.Title = "CustomOfficeCopyJob"
set Model.CustomOfficeCopyJob = CustomOfficeCopyJobRepository.SearchTablePaged(Array("ID","%" & searchValue & "%","Jcode","%" & searchValue & "%","Precinct","%" & searchValue & "%","StartingBallotNumber","%" & searchValue & "%","Amount","%" & searchValue & "%","Status","%" & searchValue & "%","Donedate","%" & searchValue & "%"),"ID", page_size, page_num, page_count, record_count)
Model.CurrentPageNumber = page_num
Model.PageSize = page_size
Model.PageCount = page_count
Model.RecordCount = record_count
%> <!--#include file="../../Views/CustomOfficeCopyJob/Index.asp"--> <%

End Sub

Public Sub Edit

dim id : id = Request.QueryString("Id")
set Model = new Edit_ViewModel_Class
set Model.CustomOfficeCopyJob = CustomOfficeCopyJobRepository.FindByID(id)
Model.Title = "Edit CustomOfficeCopyJob"
HTMLSecurity.SetAntiCSRFToken "CustomOfficeCopyJobEditForm"
%> <!--#include file="../../Views/CustomOfficeCopyJob/Edit.asp"--> <%
Flash.Success = "CustomOfficeCopyJob Updated."
End Sub

Public Sub EditPost
HTMLSecurity.OnInvalidAntiCsrfTokenRedirectToActionExt "CustomOfficeCopyJobEditForm", Request.Form("nonce"), "Edit", Array("Id", Request.Form("Id"))
dim ID : ID = Request.Form("Id")
dim model : set model = CustomOfficeCopyJobRepository.FindByID(ID)
set model = Automapper.AutoMap(Request.Form, model)
'If model.Validator.HasErrors then
FormCache.SerializeForm "EditCustomOfficeCopyJob", Request.Form
' Flash.Errors = model.Validator.Errors
' MVC.RedirectToActionExt "Edit", Array("Id",ID)
CustomOfficeCopyJobRepository.Update model
FormCache.ClearForm "EditCustomOfficeCopyJob"
Flash.Success = "CustomOfficeCopyJob updated."
MVC.RedirectToAction "Index"
'End If
End Sub

Public Sub Create

dim form_params : set form_params = FormCache.DeserializeForm("NewCustomOfficeCopyJob")
If Not form_params Is Nothing then
set Model = Automapper.AutoMap(form_params, New Create_ViewModel_Class)
set Model = new Create_ViewModel_Class
End If

HTMLSecurity.SetAntiCSRFToken "CustomOfficeCopyJobCreateForm"

%> <!--#include file="../../Views/CustomOfficeCopyJob/Create.asp"--> <%
End Sub

Public Sub CreatePost

HtmlSecurity.OnInvalidAntiCSRFTokenRedirectToAction "CustomOfficeCopyJobCreateForm", Request.Form("nonce"), "Create"

dim new_CustomOfficeCopyJob_model : set new_CustomOfficeCopyJob_model = Automapper.AutoMap(Request.Form, new CustomOfficeCopyJobModel_Class)


'If new_CustomOfficeCopyJob_model.Validator.HasErrors then
' FormCache.SerializeForm "NewCustomOfficeCopyJob", Request.Form
' Flash.Errors = new_CustomOfficeCopyJob_model.Validator.Errors
' MVC.RedirectToAction "Create"
CustomOfficeCopyJobRepository.AddNew new_CustomOfficeCopyJob_model
' FormCache.ClearForm "NewCustomOfficeCopyJob"
Flash.Success = "CustomOfficeCopyJob added."
MVC.RedirectToAction "Index"
'End If
End Sub

Public Sub Delete
dim id : id = Request.QueryString("Id")
set Model = new Delete_ViewModel_Class
set Model.CustomOfficeCopyJob = CustomOfficeCopyJobRepository.FindByID(id)
Model.Title = "Delete CustomOfficeCopyJob"

HTMLSecurity.SetAntiCSRFToken "CustomOfficeCopyJobDeleteForm"

%> <!--#include file="../../Views/CustomOfficeCopyJob/Delete.asp"--> <%
End Sub

Public Sub DeletePost
HtmlSecurity.OnInvalidAntiCSRFTokenRedirectToAction "CustomOfficeCopyJobDeleteForm", Request.Form("nonce"), "Create"

dim id : id = Request.Form("Id")
CustomOfficeCopyJobRepository.Delete id

Flash.Success = "CustomOfficeCopyJob deleted."
MVC.RedirectToAction "Index"
End Sub

End Class

+ 240
- 0
App/DomainModels/CustomOfficeCopyJobRepository.asp Näytä tiedosto

@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
' CustomOfficeCopyJob Model

Class CustomOfficeCopyJobModel_Class
Public Validator
Public Class_Get_Properties

Public ID '90
Public Jcode '106
Public Precinct '106
Public StartingBallotNumber '122
Public Amount '122
Public Status '106
Public Donedate '122

Private Sub Class_Initialize
'ValidateExitsts Me, "",""
Class_Get_Properties = Array("ID, Jcode, Precinct, StartingBallotNumber, Amount, Status, Donedate")
End Sub

End CLass

' CustomOfficeCopyJob Repository

Class CustomOfficeCopyJobRepository_Class

Public Function FindByID(ID)
dim sql : sql = "Select [ID], [Jcode], [Precinct], [StartingBallotNumber], [Amount], [Status], [Donedate] FROM [CustomOfficeCopyJob] WHERE ID = ?"
dim rs : set rs = DAL.Query(sql,ID)
If rs.EOF then
Err.Raise 1, "CustomOfficeCopyJobRepository_Class", CustomOfficeCopyJobNotFoundException("ID", ID)
set FindByID = Automapper.AutoMap(rs,"CustomOfficeCopyJobModel_Class")
End If
End Function

Public Function GetAll(orderBy)
set GetAll = Find(empty,orderBy)
End Function

Public Function Find(where_kvarray, order_string_or_array)
dim sql : sql = "Select [ID], [Jcode], [Precinct], [StartingBallotNumber], [Amount], [Status], [Donedate] FROM [CustomOfficeCopyJob]"

If Not IsEmpty(where_kvarray) then
sql = sql & " WHERE "
dim where_keys, where_values
KVUnzip where_kvarray, where_keys, where_values

dim i
For i = 0 to UBound(where_keys)
If i > 0 then sql = sql & " AND "
sql = sql & " " & where_keys(i) & " "
End If

If Not IsEmpty(order_string_or_array) then
sql = sql & "ORDER BY "
If IsArray(order_string_or_array) then
dim order_array : order_array = order_string_or_array
For i = 0 to UBound(order_array)
If i > 0 then sql = sql & ", "
sql = sql & " " & order_array(i)
sql = sql & order_string_or_array & " "
End If
End If

dim rs : set rs = DAL.Query(sql, where_values)
set Find = CustomOfficeCopyJobList(rs)
Destroy rs
End Function

Public Function FindPaged(where_kvarray, order_string_or_array, per_page, page_num, ByRef page_count, ByRef record_count)
dim sql : sql = "Select [ID], [Jcode], [Precinct], [StartingBallotNumber], [Amount], [Status], [Donedate] FROM [CustomOfficeCopyJob]"

If Not IsEmpty(where_kvarray) then
sql = sql & " WHERE "
dim where_keys, where_values
KVUnzip where_kvarray, where_keys, where_values

dim i
For i = 0 to UBound(where_keys)
If i > 0 then sql = sql & " AND "
sql = sql & " " & where_keys(i) & " "
End If

If Not IsEmpty(order_string_or_array) then
sql = sql & "ORDER BY "
If IsArray(order_string_or_array) then
dim order_array : order_array = order_string_or_array
For i = 0 to UBound(order_array)
If i > 0 then sql = sql & ", "
sql = sql & " " & order_array(i)
sql = sql & order_string_or_array & " "
End If
End If

dim list : set list = new LinkedList_Class
dim rs : set rs = DAL.PagedQuery(sql, where_values, per_page, page_num)

If Not rs.EOF and Not (IsEmpty(per_page) and IsEmpty(page_num) and IsEmpty(page_count) and IsEmpty(record_count)) then
rs.PageSize = per_page
rs.AbsolutePage = page_num
page_count = rs.PageCount
record_count = rs.RecordCount
End If

set FindPaged = PagedCustomOfficeCopyJobList(rs, per_page)
Destroy rs
End Function

Public Function SearchTablePaged(where_kvarray, order_string_or_array, per_page, page_num, ByRef page_count, ByRef record_count)
dim sql : sql = "Select [ID], [Jcode], [Precinct], [StartingBallotNumber], [Amount], [Status], [Donedate] FROM [CustomOfficeCopyJob]"

If Not IsEmpty(where_kvarray) then
sql = sql & " WHERE "
dim where_keys, where_values
KVUnzip where_kvarray, where_keys, where_values

dim i
For i = 0 to UBound(where_keys)
If i > 0 then sql = sql & " OR"
sql = sql & " " & where_keys(i) & " LIKE ?"
End If

If Not IsEmpty(order_string_or_array) then
sql = sql & " ORDER BY "
If IsArray(order_string_or_array) then
dim order_array : order_array = order_string_or_array
For i = 0 to UBound(order_array)
If i > 0 then sql = sql & ", "
sql = sql & " " & order_array(i)
sql = sql & order_string_or_array & " "
End If
End If

dim list : set list = new LinkedList_Class
dim rs : set rs = DAL.PagedQuery(sql, where_values, per_page, page_num)

If Not rs.EOF and Not (IsEmpty(per_page) and IsEmpty(page_num) and IsEmpty(page_count) and IsEmpty(record_count)) then
rs.PageSize = per_page
rs.AbsolutePage = page_num
page_count = rs.PageCount
record_count = rs.RecordCount
End If

set SearchTablePaged = PagedCustomOfficeCopyJobList(rs, per_page)
Destroy rs
End Function

Private Function PagedCustomOfficeCopyJobList(rs, per_page)
dim list : set list = new LinkedList_Class

dim x : x =0
Do While x < per_page and Not rs.EOF
list.Push Automapper.AutoMap(rs, new CustomOfficeCopyJobModel_Class)
x = x +1
set PagedCustomOfficeCopyJobList = list
End Function

Private Function CustomOfficeCopyJobNotFoundException(ByVal field_name, ByVal field_val)
CustomOfficeCopyJobNotFoundException = "CustomOfficeCopyJob was not found with " & field_name & " of '" & field_val & "'."
End Function

Private Function CustomOfficeCopyJobList(rs)
dim list : set list = new LinkedList_Class
dim model

Do until rs.EOF
set model = new CustomOfficeCopyJobModel_Class
list.Push Automapper.AutoMap(rs, model)
set CustomOfficeCopyJobList = list
End Function

Public Sub AddNew(ByRef model)
dim sql : sql = "INSERT INTO [CustomOfficeCopyJob] (" &_
"[Jcode]," &_
"[Precinct]," &_
"[StartingBallotNumber]," &_
"[Amount]," &_
"[Status])" &_
"VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"
DAL.Execute sql, Array(model.Jcode, _
model.Precinct, _
model.StartingBallotNumber, _
model.Amount, _
sql = "SELECT TOP 1 ID FROM [CustomOfficeCopyJob] ORDER BY ID DESC"
dim rs : set rs = DAL.Query(sql, empty)
model.ID = rs("ID")
Destroy rs
End Sub

Public Sub Update(model)
dim sql : sql = "UPDATE [CustomOfficeCopyJob] SET [Jcode] = ?," &_
"[Precinct] = ?," &_
"[StartingBallotNumber] = ?," &_
"[Amount] = ?," &_
"[Status] = ?," &_
"[Donedate] = ?" &_
" WHERE [ID] = ?"

DAL.Execute sql, Array(model.Jcode, _
model.Precinct, _
model.StartingBallotNumber, _
model.Amount, _
model.Status, _
model.Donedate, _
End Sub

Public Sub Delete(id)
dim sql : sql = "DELETE FROM [CustomOfficeCopyJob] WHERE [ID] = ?"
DAL.Execute sql, id
End Sub
End Class

dim CustomOfficeCopyJobRepository__Singleton
Function CustomOfficeCopyJobRepository()
If IsEmpty(CustomOfficeCopyJobRepository__Singleton) then
set CustomOfficeCopyJobRepository__Singleton = new CustomOfficeCopyJobRepository_Class
End If
set CustomOfficeCopyJobRepository = CustomOfficeCopyJobRepository__Singleton
End Function

+ 1
- 1
App/ScaffoldRepo.vbs Näytä tiedosto

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Init
fixedTableName = Replace(rs("TABLE_NAME")," ","_")
tableName = rs("TABLE_NAME")
'If tableName <> "meta_migrations" Then
If tableName <> "meta_migrations" AND tableName = "InkjetRecords" Then
If tableName <> "meta_migrations" AND tableName = "CustomOfficeCopyJob" Then

If Not fso.FolderExists(ScriptDirectory()& "Controllers\"& fixedTableName) Then fso.CreateFolder(ScriptDirectory()& "Controllers\"& fixedTableName)

+ 32
- 0
App/ViewModels/CustomOfficeCopyJobViewModels.asp Näytä tiedosto

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Class PagedIndex_ViewModel_Class
Public Title
Public CustomOfficeCopyJob

Public CurrentPageNumber
Public PageSize
Public PageCount
Public RecordCount
End Class

Class Edit_ViewModel_Class
Public Title
Public CustomOfficeCopyJob

End Class

Class Create_ViewModel_Class
Public Jcode
Public Precinct
Public StartingBallotNumber
Public Amount
Public Status
Public Donedate
End Class

Class Delete_ViewModel_Class
Public Title
Public CustomOfficeCopyJob
End Class


+ 46
- 0
App/Views/CustomOfficeCopyJob/create.asp Näytä tiedosto

@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
<h2>Create Custom Office Copy Job</h2>

<%= HTML.FormTag("CustomOfficeCopyJob", "CreatePost", empty, empty) %>
<%= HTML.Hidden("nonce", HTMLSecurity.GetAntiCSRFToken("CustomOfficeCopyJobCreateForm")) %>
<hr />

<div class="form-group">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Jcode">Jcode</label>
<%= HTML.TextboxExt("Jcode", Model.Jcode, Array("class", "form-control")) %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Precinct">Precinct</label>
<%= HTML.TextboxExt("Precinct", Model.Precinct, Array("class", "form-control")) %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="StartingBallotNumber">StartingBallotNumber</label>
<%= HTML.TextboxExt("StartingBallotNumber", Model.StartingBallotNumber, Array("class", "form-control")) %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Amount">Amount</label>
<%= HTML.TextboxExt("Amount", Model.Amount, Array("class", "form-control")) %>
<%= HTML.Button("submit", "<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-ok'></i> Create", "btn-primary") %>
<%= HTML.LinkToExt("<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove'></i> Cancel", "CustomOfficeCopyJob", "Index", empty, Array("class", "btn btn-default")) %>


+ 63
- 0
App/Views/CustomOfficeCopyJob/delete.asp Näytä tiedosto

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
<h2><%= H(Model.Title) %></h2>

<p class="alert alert-danger">Are you sure you want to delete this CustomOfficeCopyJob?</p>

<%= HTML.FormTag("CustomOfficeCopyJob", "DeletePost", empty, Array("class", "form-horizontal")) %>
<%= HTML.Hidden("nonce", HTMLSecurity.GetAntiCSRFToken("CustomOfficeCopyJobDeleteForm")) %>
<%= HTML.Hidden("Id", Model.CustomOfficeCopyJob.ID) %>
<div class="col-md-10">
<div class="form-group">
<%= HTML.Button("submit", "<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove'></i> Confirm Delete", "btn-danger") %>
<%= HTML.LinkToExt("Cancel", "CustomOfficeCopyJob", "Index", empty, Array("class", "btn btn-success")) %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Jcode">Jcode</label>
<%= HTML.TextboxExt("Jcode", Model.CustomOfficeCopyJob.Jcode, Array("class", "form-control")) %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Precinct">Precinct</label>
<%= HTML.TextboxExt("Precinct", Model.CustomOfficeCopyJob.Precinct, Array("class", "form-control")) %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="StartingBallotNumber">StartingBallotNumber</label>
<%= HTML.TextboxExt("StartingBallotNumber", Model.CustomOfficeCopyJob.StartingBallotNumber, Array("class", "form-control")) %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Amount">Amount</label>
<%= HTML.TextboxExt("Amount", Model.CustomOfficeCopyJob.Amount, Array("class", "form-control")) %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Status">Status</label>
<%= HTML.TextboxExt("Status", Model.CustomOfficeCopyJob.Status, Array("class", "form-control")) %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Donedate">Donedate</label>
<%= HTML.TextboxExt("Donedate", Model.CustomOfficeCopyJob.Donedate, Array("class", "form-control")) %>

+ 61
- 0
App/Views/CustomOfficeCopyJob/edit.asp Näytä tiedosto

@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
<h2><%= H(Model.Title) %></h2>
<%= HTML.FormTag("CustomOfficeCopyJob", "EditPost", empty, empty) %>
<%= HTML.Hidden("nonce", HTMLSecurity.GetAntiCSRFToken("CustomOfficeCopyJobEditForm")) %>
<%= HTML.Hidden("Id", Model.CustomOfficeCopyJob.ID) %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Jcode">Jcode</label>
<%= HTML.TextboxExt("Jcode", Model.CustomOfficeCopyJob.Jcode, Array("class", "form-control")) %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Precinct">Precinct</label>
<%= HTML.TextboxExt("Precinct", Model.CustomOfficeCopyJob.Precinct, Array("class", "form-control")) %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="StartingBallotNumber">StartingBallotNumber</label>
<%= HTML.TextboxExt("StartingBallotNumber", Model.CustomOfficeCopyJob.StartingBallotNumber, Array("class", "form-control")) %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Amount">Amount</label>
<%= HTML.TextboxExt("Amount", Model.CustomOfficeCopyJob.Amount, Array("class", "form-control")) %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Status">Status</label>
<%= HTML.TextboxExt("Status", Model.CustomOfficeCopyJob.Status, Array("class", "form-control")) %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Donedate">Donedate</label>
<%= HTML.TextboxExt("Donedate", Model.CustomOfficeCopyJob.Donedate, Array("class", "form-control")) %>
<hr />
<div class="form-group">
<% = HTML.Button("submit", "<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-ok'></i> Save", "btn-primary") %>
<%= HTML.LinkToExt("<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove'></i> Delete", "CustomOfficeCopyJob", "Delete", Array("id", Model.CustomOfficeCopyJob.ID), Array("class", "btn btn-danger")) %>
<%= HTML.LinkToExt("Cancel", "CustomOfficeCopyJob", "Index", empty, Array("class", "btn btn-default")) %>

+ 81
- 0
App/Views/CustomOfficeCopyJob/index.asp Näytä tiedosto

@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
<h2><%= H(Model.Title) %></h2>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8 col-sm-8 col-xs-12">
<%= H(Model.RecordCount) %> CustomOfficeCopyJob found. Showing <%= H(Model.PageSize) %> records per page.
<%= HTML.LinkToExt("<i class='bi bi-plus-square-fill'></i> New","CustomOfficeCopyJob", "Create", empty, Array("class", "btn btn-xs btn-primary")) %>
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-12">

<%= HTML.FormTag("CustomOfficeCopyJob", "Search", empty, empty) %>

<div class="col-md-10 col-sm-10 col-xs-12">
<label class="sr-only" for="search">Search</label>
<div class="input-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control input-search" value='<%= Choice(Request.Form.Count = 0,Request.QueryString("q"),Request.Form("q")) %>' name="q" id="search" placeholder="Search">
<span class="input-group-addon group-icon"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open"></span>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success"><i class="bi bi-search"></i>Search</buttton>

<table id="CustomOfficeCopyJob" class="table table-striped">
<th style="text-align: left">ID</th>
<th style="text-align: left">Jcode</th>
<th style="text-align: left">Precinct</th>
<th style="text-align: left">StartingBallotNumber</th>
<th style="text-align: left">Amount</th>
<th style="text-align: left">Status</th>
<th style="text-align: left">Donedate</th>
<% dim it : set it = Model.CustomOfficeCopyJob.Iterator %>
<% dim CustomOfficeCopyJob %>
<% While it.HasNext %>
<% set CustomOfficeCopyJob = it.GetNext() %>
<%= HTML.LinkToExt("<i class='bi bi-search'></i>", "CustomOfficeCopyJob", "Edit", Array("Id", CustomOfficeCopyJob.ID), Array("class", "btn btn-primary")) %>
<td><% = H(CustomOfficeCopyJob.ID) %></td>
<td><% = H(CustomOfficeCopyJob.Jcode) %></td>
<td><% = H(CustomOfficeCopyJob.Precinct) %></td>
<td><% = H(CustomOfficeCopyJob.StartingBallotNumber) %></td>
<td><% = H(CustomOfficeCopyJob.Amount) %></td>
<td><% = H(CustomOfficeCopyJob.Status) %></td>
<td><% = H(CustomOfficeCopyJob.Donedate) %></td>
<% Wend %>
<% If Model.CurrentPageNumber <> 1 then %>
<%= HTML.LinkToExt("<i class='bi bi-chevron-left'></i><i class='bi bi-chevron-left'></i>", MVC.ControllerName, MVC.ActionName, Array("page_num", 1,"q", Choice(Request.Form.Count = 0,Request.QueryString("q"),Request.Form("q"))), Array("class", "btn btn-default")) %>
<%= HTML.LinkToExt("<i class='bi bi-chevron-left'></i>", MVC.ControllerName, MVC.ActionName, Array("page_num", Model.CurrentPageNumber - 1,"q", Choice(Request.Form.Count = 0,Request.QueryString("q"),Request.Form("q"))), Array("class", "btn btn-default")) %>
<% Else %>
<a class='btn btn-default disabled'><i class='bi bi-chevron-left'></i><i class='bi bi-chevron-left'></i></a>
<a class='btn btn-default disabled'><i class='bi bi-chevron-left'></i></a>
<% End If %>
<% If CInt(Model.CurrentPageNumber) < CInt(Model.PageCount) then %>
<%= HTML.LinkToExt("<i class='bi bi-chevron-right'></i>", MVC.ControllerName, MVC.ActionName, Array("page_num", Model.CurrentPageNumber + 1,"q", Choice(Request.Form.Count = 0,Request.QueryString("q"),Request.Form("q"))), Array("class", "btn btn-default")) %>
<%= HTML.LinkToExt("<i class='bi bi-chevron-right'></i><i class='bi bi-chevron-right'></i>", MVC.ControllerName, MVC.ActionName, Array("page_num", Model.PageCount,"q", Choice(Request.Form.Count = 0,Request.QueryString("q"),Request.Form("q"))), Array("class", "btn btn-default")) %>
<% Else %>
<a class='btn btn-default disabled'><i class='bi bi-chevron-right'></i><i class='bi bi-chevron-right'></i></a>
<a class='btn btn-default disabled'><i class='bi bi-chevron-right'></i></a>
<% End If %>

+ 1
- 1
App/Views/Home/Index.asp Näytä tiedosto

@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<%= Html.LinkTOExt("Create Kit","Home","CreateKit",empty,Array("Class","list-group-item list-group-item-action")) %>
<%= Html.LinkTOExt("View Tracking Kits","Kit","SwitchBoardIndex",empty,Array("Class","list-group-item list-group-item-action")) %>
<%= Html.LinkTOExt("View Purple Envelope Jobs","Kit","SwitchBoardPurpleEnvelopsIndex",empty,Array("Class","list-group-item list-group-item-action")) %>
<%= Html.LinkTOExt("Custom Office Copies","Kit","SwitchBoardPurpleEnvelopsIndex",empty,Array("Class","list-group-item list-group-item-action")) %>
<%= Html.LinkTOExt("Custom Office Copies","CustomOfficeCopyJob","Index",empty,Array("Class","list-group-item list-group-item-action")) %>

+ 2
- 0
App/Views/Shared/layout.header.asp Näytä tiedosto

@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
<li><%= Html.LinkTOExt("Settings","Settings","Index",empty,Array("Class","dropdown-item")) %></li>
<li><%= Html.LinkTOExt("InkjetRecords","InkjetRecords","Index",empty,Array("Class","dropdown-item")) %></li>
<li><%= Html.LinkTOExt("Import Jurisdiction File","Jurisdiction","Import",empty,Array("Class","dropdown-item")) %></li>
<li><%= Html.LinkTOExt("CustomOfficeCopyJob","CustomOfficeCopyJob","Index",empty,Array("Class","nav-link")) %></li>
<!--nav bar admin placeholder-->
@@ -60,3 +61,4 @@

+ 1
- 7
App/include_all.asp Näytä tiedosto

@@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
<!--#include file="../MVC/lib.all.asp"-->
<!--#include file="DAL/lib.DAL.asp"-->
<!--#include file="app.Config.asp"-->
<!--#include file="DomainModels/InkjetRecordsRepository.asp"-->
<!--#include file="DomainModels/JurisdictionRepository.asp"-->
<!--#include file="DomainModels/KitRepository.asp"-->
<!--#include file="DomainModels/KitLabelsRepository.asp"-->
<!--#include file="DomainModels/SettingsRepository.asp"-->
<!--#include file="DomainModels/ContactsRepository.asp"-->
<!--#include file="DomainModels/SnailWorksRepository.asp"-->
<!--#include file="DomainModels/CustomOfficeCopyJobRepository.asp"-->


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