@@ -29,16 +29,81 @@ Dim WorkingDirectory:WorkingDirectory = Replace(WScript.ScriptFullName,WScript.S |
CheckForFiles |
Dim KitID:KitID = CheckForJobsToCass() |
If KitID > 0 Then |
ExportMMCsv(KitID) |
RunMailManager |
ImportCass |
End If |
Dim KitID |
' CheckForFiles |
' KitID = CheckForJobsToCass() |
' If KitID > 0 Then |
' ExportMMCsv(KitID) |
' RunMailManager |
' ImportCass |
' End If |
oConn.Open(ConnectionString) |
KitID = CheckForReadyToLabel() |
If KitID > 0 Then |
createTrackingInfoForKit(KitID) |
End If |
WScript.Quit |
WScript.Quit |
Function createTrackingInfoForKit(KitID) |
Dim KitRs:set KitRs = oConn.Execute("Select * from Kit Where ID =" & KitID & ";") |
Dim InkjetRs:Set InkjetRs = oConn.Execute("Select * from InkjetRecords Where KitID =" & KitID & ";") |
Dim SerialNumberStart:SerialNumberStart = GetSetting("SerialNumberStart") |
Dim serialOffset:serialOffset = GetSetting("SerialOffset") |
Dim serialStart:serialStart = CLng(GetSetting("SerialNumberStart")) + CLng(GetSetting("SerialOffset")) |
Dim Counter:Counter=0 |
Dim KitLabelID |
Dim KitLabelRs |
Dim Step : If KitRs("InboundSTID") <> "" Then : Step = 2 : Else Step = 1 |
serialStart = PadLeft(serialStart + CLng(Counter),9,"0") |
While Not InkjetRs.EOF |
If Step = 1 Then |
oConn.Execute("INSERT INTO KitLabels (KitID,OutboundSerial,OutboundIMBDigits) " &_ |
"VALUES(" & KitID & ",'" & serialStart & "','" & KitRs("OutBoundSTID").Value & serialStart & "000000000" & "');") |
Set KitLabelRs = oConn.Execute("SELECT TOP 1 [ID] FROM KitLabels ORDER BY ID DESC") |
KitLabelID = KitLabelRs("ID").Value |
oConn.Execute("UPDATE InkjetRecords Set [KitLabelID]=" & KitLabelID & " WHERE ID=" & InkjetRs("ID") & ";") |
serialStart = serialStart + 1 |
Else |
' oConn.Execute("INSERT INTO KitLabels (KitID,OutboundSerial,InBoundSerial,OutbondIMBDigitds,InBoundIMBDigits) " &_ |
' "VALUES(" & KitID & ",' & ") |
End If |
InkjetRs.MoveNext |
Wend |
End Function |
Function GetSetting(settingName) |
Dim rs:Set rs = oConn.Execute("Select Value From [Settings] Where [Name] = '" & settingName & "';") |
If Not rs.EOF Then |
GetSetting = rs(0).value |
rs.Close |
Else |
SetSetting = 0 |
rs.Close |
End If |
End Function |
Function CheckForReadyToLabel() |
Dim rs : set rs = oConn.Execute("Select TOP 1 ID from Kit Where Status ='Ready to Assign Labels' ORDER BY ID DESC;") |
If Not rs.EOF Then |
Dim kitId : kitId = rs("ID").value |
rs.Close |
CheckForReadyToLabel = KitID |
oConn.Execute("UPDATE Kit SET Status ='Applying Serial Numbers' WHERE ID =" & KitID & ";") |
Else |
CheckForReadyToLabel = 0 |
End If |
End Function |
Function CheckForFiles() |
Function CheckForFiles() |
@@ -230,4 +295,17 @@ oConn.Open |
CheckForJobsToCass = 0 |
CheckForJobsToCass = 0 |
End If |
End If |
'oConn.Close |
'oConn.Close |
End Function |
Public Function PadLeft(originalString,desiredLength,Char) |
Dim padLength |
padLength = desiredLength - Len(originalString) |
If padLength > 0 Then |
' Left pad the string with zeros |
PadLeft = String(padLength, Char) & originalString |
Else |
' If the original string is already longer or equal to the desired length, no padding is needed |
PadLeft = originalString |
End If |
End Function |
End Function |