<% ' This class encapsulates database access into one location, isolating database details from the rest of the app. ' Multiple databases can be handled in one of two ways: ' ' Option 1. Use a single DAL_Class instance with separate public properties for each database. ' Ex: To access Orders use DAL.Orders and to access Employees use DAL.Employees. ' ' Option 2. Use a separate DAL_Class instance for each database. ' Ex: ' dim OrdersDAL : set OrdersDAL = new DAL_Class ' OrdersDAL.ConnectionString = "..." <-- you would have to create this property to use this approach ' ' If you only access one database it is easier to just set the global DAL singleton to an instance of the ' Database_Class and use it directly. See the example project for details. '======================================================================================================================= ' DATA ACCESS LAYER Class '======================================================================================================================= dim DAL__Singleton : set DAL__Singleton = Nothing Function DAL() If DAL__Singleton is Nothing then set DAL__Singleton = new Database_Class ' DAL__Singleton.Initialize "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5;Data Source=" & Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "Data\webdata - Copy.mdb;" DAL__Singleton.Initialize "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=danielsubuntu,15789;Database=tracking;UID=sa;PWD=SunBrightShine!;" End If set DAL = DAL__Singleton End Function %>